
From St. Elizabeth Parish

  • Parish Board Game Afternoon

    The Youth Group would like to invite all members of the parish to come play board games and get to know some of the amazing you people we have in our parish on March 2nd from 3-6pm. Bring a snack to share. See you there.

  • Souper Bowl Update

    Souper Bowl update: We blew this collection through the roof! We have collected 432 soups…Wow! Both the Youth Group and ARM are so grateful for your generosity! May God bless you!

  • Parish Pastoral Council

    Members of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) are Kathleen Grubb, Steve Hummel, George Bratton, Elsa Sneed, Esmerelda Lopez and Garrett Artz. The council may be contacted at

  • Baby Formula Needed for Catholic Charities

    Baby Formula needed for Catholic Charities: Looking for Nutramigen with probiotic LGG Hypoallergenic Infant Formula Powder with Iron. Please place your generous donation in the collection box near the Knights of Columbus room. Thank you!

  • Youth Group Dart Challenge

    Youth Group Dart Challenge is rescheduled to Sunday, February 23rd from 2-4pm. All youth (and youth at heart) from 6th grade and up can participate. Come join the fun!

  • Scam alert

    Warning: A new scam through emails that seems to be from Fr. Jesus asking for gift cards to surprise the staff. It is a scam. Fr. Jesus would never ask for gift cards or money through an email or text. Please be on guard.

  • Pastoral Parish Council

    The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) can be reached at email.

  • Reminder for Volunteers

    Reminder for Volunteers – The diocese requires all adult volunteers in the parish to pass a criminal background check and to participate in Catholic Mutual Group (CMG) safe environment program. To access CMG Connect for the training and to set up the background check, please go to

  • Free Books and Bibles

    There are free Bibles and books located on the ground floor near the Knights of Columbus room. Come and see.

  • New Email Addresses for our parish personnel

    Please note that there are new email addresses for our parish personnel (ends with .com) for Fr. Jesus, parochial administrator for Mark Mancuso, administrative assistant for Pandora Gage, parish secretary.

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