From St. Elizabeth Parish
- Scam alert
Warning: A new scam through emails that seems to be from Fr. Jesus asking for gift cards to surprise the staff. It is a scam. Fr. Jesus would never ask for gift cards or money through an email or text. Please be on guard.
- Church Office Closed
The parish office will be closed Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King day.
- Christian Unity
For Christian Unity: January 18th begins a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Please remember to pray that Christians unite in their love of Jesus and of each other.
- Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn
Wednesday is designated in the United States as the Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Children. (Jan 22nd is the anniversary of Roe vs Wade) Please pray for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion.
- Souper Bowl for Super Bowl
Souper Bowl for the Super Bowl: This weekend through Feb 9th the Youth Group will be collecting canned soup to donate to ARM leading up to the Super Bowl. Collection Stations will be at each exit of church. Please help support our neighbors by donating a can or two.
- Youth Group Dart Challenge
Dart Challenge: Sunday, January 19th from 2-4pm, teens, tweens and adult chaperones will liven up challenges in the basement with foam darts. Drinks & snacks will be provided and prizes will be awarded. Any questions contact Vicki Johnson at
- Charitable Donation Letter
If you need your charitable donations letter for your taxes please see or email our parish secretary during office hours or email her at
- Pastoral Parish Council
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) can be reached at email.
- Reminder for Volunteers
Reminder for Volunteers – The diocese requires all adult volunteers in the parish to pass a criminal background check and to participate in Catholic Mutual Group (CMG) safe environment program. To access CMG Connect for the training and to set up the background check, please go to
- Free Books and Bibles
There are free Bibles and books located on the ground floor near the Knights of Columbus room. Come and see.