
From St. Elizabeth Parish

  • Parish School of Religion

    PSR (parish school of religion) will begin in August. It is for children from Kindergarten through High School. Classes will meet on Sundays after the 9am Mass for about an hour. If your child was not part of our program last year, please register your child by contacting the church office at

  • Ice Cream Social

    The Youth Group is sponsoring an ice cream social on July 28th from 3-4:30 pm for the parish. They plan to talk about their experiences at the Alive and You conference and service camp last month in Knoxville. All are invited.

  • Youth Group Planning Meeting

    The Youth Group will have a planning meeting for the upcoming school year on Sunday, July 14th at 6:30pm. The planning meeting is for youths, parents and adults that want to help with the Youth Group.

  • Thank You

    The youth group wants to thank all the parishioners who have prayed and supported their recent trip in June to the Alive in You conference/service camp in Knoxville.

  • Abundant Life Ministry

    Abundant Life Ministry will be meeting on July 17th at 6:30pm. All women are invited.

  • Free Books and Bibles

    There are free Bibles and books located on the ground floor near the Knights of Columbus room. Come and see.

  • Sound System Aid

    A new sound system aid for the hard of hearing is available in the vestibule. It consists of a device worn over the ear with a battery pack that can be attached to a waistband. The device ties to the church sound system. Four devices are available now, but more will be ordered as needed. Please see the ushers for assistance.

  • Fr Jesus Anniversary

    Congratulations to Fr. Jesus on his 9th anniversary of ordination which he celebrates on Thursday, June 27th. Our prayers are with him.

  • Liturgical Workshops

    Liturgical Workshops are scheduled from 6-8pm, June 17th-19th. Newly ordained Fr Danny Herman will lead the required workshops on the following schedule: Monday,, June 17th – for new and current readers Tuesday, June 18th – for new and current Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers (even those who take communion only to a friend or family member) Wednesday, June 19th – for choir members, commentators, ushers and catechists.

  • New Email Addresses for our parish personnel

    Please note that there are new email addresses for our parish personnel (ends with .com) for Fr. Jesus, parochial administrator for Mark Mancuso, administrative assistant for Coleen Schneider, parish secretary.

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